Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. -Galatians 6:2
Community Outreach
Disciples Pantry – Housed in the lower level of Asbury UMC, the Disciples Pantry opened in 2002 and is run by area community churches. It serves the hungry of Salem County and it operates solely on donations of food and money (to purchase food).
Current needs: monetary donations, canned goods: canned or instant potatoes, rice, cereal, canned meats, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly (strawberry), spaghetti sauce, pasta, soup, tea, and canned or dry milk.
~ Household supplies are also in demand: toilet paper, cleaning supplies, paper towels, etc.
~ Approximately 200 families are served each month.
~ Open on Tuesdays: 10 – Noon, and 4-6 pm.IMPORTANT! Disciples Pantry is in desperate need of food!
Specifically canned/instant potatoes, cereal, canned meats, canned fruit/veggies,
peanut butter & Jelly, spaghetti sauce, pasta, soup and tea.
Camden Neighborhood Center
March/April: Disciples Pantry
May/June: UMCOR Mission & Migrant Relief Fund
July/August: TBD
September/October: TBD
November/December: TBD
January: Human Relations Sunday**
February: Local Ministerium
March: One Great Hour of Sharing**
April: Big Brothers Big Sisters Salem County
May: Native American Awareness Sunday**
June: Peace With Justice Sunday**
July: Good Samaritan
August: Meals on Wheels
September: Literacy Volunteers
October: World Communion Sunday**
November: United Methodist Student Day**
December: United Way of Salem County
** United Methodist Church Special Sunday